We welcome visiting faculty from around the world

Each year, we host visiting faculty, scholars and fellows from across Canada, and countries around the globe, who want to immerse themselves in our unique collaborative environment. We’re pleased to have had visitors from Australia, Brazil, Iran, Ireland, Japan, Mexico, South Africa, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

We welcome applications to become a faculty visitor from faculty who are interested in bioethics research. As a visitor to the JCB, we are able to offer space to a limited number of faculty researchers throughout the year. We do not provide a salary or financial support, but we are able to help set you up with space to work at the JCB, as well as connect you to like-minded researchers at our University of Toronto affiliated health institutions.

Visiting faculty are expected to contribute intellectually to the JCB, through participation in various seminars (such as the JCB Bioethics Seminar Series) and other activities, and are encouraged to share their research with our bioethics community.

Apply to become a faculty visitor with us

Applications for visits of less than a year will be considered on an ongoing basis. In order to apply to join us at the JCB, please send us a cover letter which explains your background and research plans, as well as a copy of your CV.

Please note that visiting faculty applications will only be accepted for individuals holding full-time faculty positions at other post-secondary institutions, and you must intend to return to your home country at the end of your time with us.

Please contact Terry Yuen, administrative assistant, at jcb.ea@utoronto.ca to see what opportunities can be arranged.

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