Robin Hayeems, ScM, PhD
Assistant Professor (Status Only)
Position: Scientist, Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute
SGS Status: Associate Member
Primary Graduate Appointment: Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation
Program: Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics
Primary Teaching Responsibilities: Introduction to Qualitative Methods for Health Services and Policy Research (IHPME; HSR1001)
Available to Supervise CSB Students: Yes
Research Interests
impacts of genomic technologies on patients, provides, health care systems
Current Research Projects
- Patient experience and ethics of pediatric genome diagnostics
- Clinical utility and costs of pediatric genome diagnostics
- Determining value of genome diagnostics: a new outcome measure
- Novel models of care for delivering genome diagnostics
- Managing medical uncertainty generated by newborn bloodspot screening
- Educational strategies for primary care providers delivering prenatal screening
Education & Training History
- BSc (Hons), Psychology, McGill University
- MSc, Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Toronto
- ScM, Genetic Counseling, Johns Hopkins University/National Human Genome Research Institute
- PhD, Public Health Sciences and Collaborative Program in Bioethics, University of Toronto
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute of Health Policy Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto
- Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Clinical and Evaluative Sciences, University of Toronto
Honours & Awards
- SickKids Foundation/CIHR New Investigator Award. Costs and clinical consequences of pediatric whole genome sequencing compared to conventional genetic tests. Total Amount: $297,000CDN.
Other Affiliations
- Member, Technology Assessment at SickKids (TASK) Force, led by Dr. Wendy Ungar, The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Member, Centre for Genetic Medicine, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
- Several policy advisory committees related to genomic screening and diagnostics
- Several research collaborations
- Service committees at The Hospital for Sick Children and the University of Toronto