Elizabeth Peter, RN, BScN, BA, MN, PhD
SGS Status: Full Member
Primary Graduate Appointment: Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing
Program: Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics
Primary Teaching Responsibilities:
NUR 1021 – Nursing Ethics,
NUR 1017 – The History of Ideas in Nursing
Available to Supervise CSB Students: Yes, but currently at capacity
Research Interests
feminist ethics, nursing ethics, research ethics, community care
Current Research Projects
- SMARTVIEW: Technology Enabled Remote Monitoring and Self-Management - Vision for Patient Empowerment following Cardiac and Vascular Surgery. Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), eHealth Innovation Partnership Program (eHIPP) Grant.
Nominated PI: McGillion, MH, Principal Applicants: Bender, D., Carroll, SL, Cooper, L., Devereaux, PJ Harriman, M., Krull, K., Peter, E, Ritvo P, Turner A, Yost J.
I am a PI leading the qualitative component of this multi-method study by examining the patient, family and clinician experience from an ethical, legal, and social perspective as patients transition from hospital to home. - Examining the roles and responsibilities of research assistants in their interactions with research participants in vulnerable circumstances (with Judy Friedland)
- I also have a number of manuscripts and book chapters of a theoretical nature that are in various stages of completion.
Education & Training History
- BScN Nursing, University of Windsor
- BA, Philosophy, York University
- MN, Nursing, University of Toronto
- PhD, Institute of Medical Science (Collaborative Program in Bioethics), University of Toronto
Honours & Awards
- Gail J. Donner Award for Excellence in Nursing Education, Sigma Theta Tau International
- The Christine Harrison Bioethics Education Award for Integration of Theory & Practice
- Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing Teaching Award for Excellence in Educational Leadership
Other Affiliations
- Chair, Health Sciences Research Ethics Board