Claudia Barned, PhD
Assistant Professor
Position: Bioethicist, Toronto Western Hospital, University Health Network
SGS Status: Associate Member (Status only)
Primary Graduate Appointment: Division of Clinical Public Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Graduate Appointment(s): Dalla Lana School of Public Health
Program: Master of Health Science in Bioethics
Primary Teaching Responsibilities: CHL7001H S1 - Bioethics & Racial Justice
Research Interests
- Health Equity
- Intersectionality Theory
- Bioethics and Racial Justice
- Racial Discrimination in Healthcare
- Addiction Neuroethics
- Qualitative Health Research
- Black Health and Black Identity
- Women’s Health Issues
- Body Image & Embodiment – Fat Oppression
- Caribbean Feminisms and Theorizations
- Understandings of Health and Illness
Current Research Project
- Caregiver Preferences Policy Revision & Research Project
- Bioethics & Racial Justice Research Project
Representative Publications
- Drews, S., & Barned, C., (2023). Who Protects Clinical Learners in Canada? Ethical Considerations for Institutional Policy on Patient Bias. Canadian Journal of Bioethics 6 (3), 33-43
- Onyura, B., Main, E., Wong, A., Barned, C., Vo, T., Torabi, N., & Hamza, D. (2023). “The ‘What’ and ‘Why’ of (un)Ethical Practice in Evaluation: A Systematic Meta-Narrative Review & Ethical Awareness Framework.” Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation 38 (2), 265-312
- Ewusi Boisvert, E., & Barned, C. (2023). The Psychological Study of Race, Diversity, and Culture: Foundational Contributions of James M. Jones to Modern Theories of Racism. American Psychologist, 78(4), 376-388.
- Rochette, M., Valiquette, M., Barned, C., & Racine, E. (2023). Drug Legalization, Democracy and Public Health: Canadian Stakeholders’ Opinions and Values with Respect to the Legalizations of Cannabis. Public Health Ethics, 16(2), 175-190.
- Rochette, M., Valiquette, M., Barned, C., Racine, E. (2023). Addiction and Volitional Abilities: Stakeholders’ Understandings and their Ethical and Practical Implications.” Neuroethics. 16(24), 1-22.
- Barned, C & O’Doherty, K. (2022) Understanding fatness: Jamaican women’s constructions of health. In A. Proksha & J. Gailey (Eds.), Fat Oppression around the World: Intersectional, Interdisciplinary & Methodological Innovations (1st , pp. 25-43). Routledge.
- Bell, J. A., Salis, M., Tong, E., Nekolaichuk, E., Barned, C., Bianchi, A., … & Heesters, A. M. (2022). Clinical Ethics Consultations: A Scoping Review of Reported Outcomes. BMC Med Ethics, 23, 99
- Barned, C, Fabricius A, Stintzi A, Mack DR, O’Doherty KC. (2021) “The Rest of my Childhood was Lost”: Canadian Children and Adolescents’ Experiences Navigating Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Qualitative Health Research.
- Barned, C. Rochette, M, & Racine E. (2021) Voluntary decision-making in addiction: A comprehensive review of existing measurement tools. Consciousness & Cognition, 91, 103115
- Racine E., & Barned, C. (2019) Addiction and voluntariness: Five challenges to address in moving the discussion forward. Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics, 28(4), 677-694.
- Barned, C., Lajoie, C., & Racine, E. (2019) Addressing the practical implications of intersectionality in clinical medicine: Ethical, embodied and institutional dimensions. American Journal of Bioethics, 19 (2), 27-29.
Education & Training History
- PhD – Applied Social Psychology (University of Guelph)
- MSc – Applied Psychology (University of the West Indies)
- BSc – Psychology (University of the West Indies)
- Clinical and Organizational Ethics Fellowship – Centre for Clinical Ethics, Unity Health Toronto
- Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Neuroethics – Institute de recherches clinques de Montreal & McGill University
Other Affiliations
- University of Toronto Joint Centre for Bioethics (JCB) member
- University of Toronto JCB Clinical, Organizational and Research Ethics Network (CORE Network) member
- Associate Research Member, Pragmatic Health Ethics Research Unit, Institut de recherches cliniques de Montreal
- Education Investigator 2, The Institute for Education Research, University Health Network