Our faculty and affiliates are the backbone of our academic aims
We urge students and faculty to consider nominating or applying for one of the following JCB Faculty Awards. These awards are available to faculty and affiliate supervisors of the Master of Health Science in Bioethics and Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics as indicated in the descriptions.
All awards criteria
Deadline for submission: TBA
Nomination packages (email or hardcopy) should be sent to:
Terry Yuen
JCB Faculty Awards
Joint Centre for Bioethics
University of Toronto
155 College Street, Suite 754
Toronto, ON M5T 1P8
Email: jcb.ea@utoronto.ca
Selection committee
The selection committee will be chosen from members of the JCB's education advisory committee, chaired by the JCB Director.
Should the selection committee decide in any given year that none of the nominees sufficiently meets the award criteria, it may opt to not confer that particular award.
Need some help with your nomination package?
Get in touch with Terry Yuen at jcb.ea@utoronto.ca and he’ll be happy to help out.
→ Barbara Secker Award for Professional Innovation in Health Ethics Practice (Odd Numbered Years)
The Barbara Secker Award for Professional Innovation in Health Ethics Practice was created on the occasion of Dr. Barbara Secker's retirement in honour of her exceptional contributions to the JCB and her leadership in the professionalization of health ethics practice in Canada.
The award recognizes an individual, or collectively a group of individuals, who demonstrate exemplary service to the health ethics profession as demonstrated through:
- leadership in advancing the profession of health ethics practice, or
- excellence in the professional practice of health ethics, or
- scholarly excellence in the study of the professionalization of health ethics practice
One award will be conferred every 2 years in recognition of exemplary service to the health ethics profession. The recipient of the award will receive a certificate of recognition, featured article in The JCB Voice, and an invitation to present their work in the JCB Bioethics Seminar Series. All nominees will receive a letter from the JCB Director informing them that they have been nominated. At the nominee's request, a letter will be sent to their direct supervisor and/or department chair.
Any member of the JCB community engaged in activities related to the professionalization of health ethics practice may be nominated. Normally at least 75% of the nominee's work will be dedicated to the professional practice of health ethics defined as ethics consultation, ethics policy development/review, ethics education, research ethics review, ethics program leadership, and/or ethics quality improvement activities in a health setting.
Current members of the JCB Leadership Team are ineligible.
Who can nominate
Any individual or group of individuals in the JCB community may nominate a candidate (either an individual or collectively a group of individuals) for the Award.
Award criteria
Key criterion:
- significance of the activity for the profession of health ethics practice
- excellence and innovation
- impact of the nominee's activities
Nomination procedure
To be considered, the nomination package must include:
- a nomination letter (max 750 words) specifying the area of exemplary service for which the nominee is being recommended for the award (i.e., leadership in advancing the professionalization of health ethics practice or excellence in professional practice of health ethics or scholarly excellence in the study of professionalization of health ethics practice)
- letters of support (to a maximum of 3) that directly address the award criteria
Once a complete nomination package is received by the JCB, the nominee will be contacted to provide their CV.
→ Christine Harrison Bioethics Education Award for Integration of Theory and Practice
This award was created to recognize the superlative contributions of Dr. Christine Harrison as a teacher, mentor, and practicing bioethicist who conveyed a rich appreciation for the importance of both theory and practice.
One award will be conferred annually by the JCB.
The recipient of the award will receive a certificate, recognition in The JCB Voice, and an invitation to present on a bioethics education topic in the JCB Bioethics Seminar Series. All nominees will receive a letter from the JCB Director informing them that they have been nominated. At the nominee's request, a letter will be sent to their department chair and/or direct supervisor.
Any member of the JCB community engaged in bioethics education (e.g., as a bioethics course director, practicum supervisor, fellowship rotation supervisor, thesis supervisor/committee member, program coordinator/director, lecturer, discussion facilitator) may be nominated. Normally the award recipient will be recognized for his/her educational contributions to the University of Toronto and/or a JCB-affiliated health organization.
Past winners and current members of the JCB Leadership Team are ineligible.
Past winners: Barbara Russell, Frank Wagner, Gerry Craigen, Elizabeth Peter, Randi Zlotnik-Shaul, and Doreen Ouellet.
Who can nominate
Any individual or group of individuals in the JCB community may submit a nomination.
Award criteria
Key criterion:
- effectively conveys in bioethics education activities the importance--and necessary interrelationship--of both theory and practice in bioethics
Other criteria may include:
- passion and commitment to education, teaching, mentoring, and/or supervision
- ability to integrate research/scholarship, education, and practice
- effective educational techniques, curriculum development, or program innovations
- sustained contribution
Nomination procedure
To be considered, the nomination package must include:
- a brief nomination letter (max 500 words) specifying
- the name of the person being nominated
- the names of the persons providing letters to support the nomination
- a brief summary of the reasons for the nomination
- two or three letters of support (maximum) that directly address the award criteria
It is highly recommended that one letter be from a student taught by the person being nominated.
Once a complete nomination package is received by the JCB, the nominee will be contacted to provide their CV.
→ Ross Upshur Course Director Award (Even Numbered Years)
This award was created to recognize Dr. Ross Upshur's many talents and accomplishments in bioethics research, education, practice, and public engagement; and to honour his outstanding work as the creator and course director for CHL3003Y Empirical Approaches in Bioethics in the MHSc in Bioethics.
One award will be conferred every other year (even numbered years) by the JCB.
Award recipients will receive a certificate and recognition in The JCB Voice. All nominees will receive a letter from the JCB Director informing them that they have been nominated. At the nominee's request, a letter will be sent to their department chair and/or direct supervisor.
Any member of the JCB community engaged as a Course Director or Co-Director in the MHSc in Bioethics and/or Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics (required or elective course).
Current members of the JCB Leadership Team are ineligible.
Who can nominate
Any individual or group of individuals in the JCB community may submit a nomination.
Award criteria
Key criterion:
- excellence in the teaching, administration, and on-going development of a bioethics graduate course
Other criteria that may be considered:
- demonstrated passion and commitment to education, teaching or mentoring
- effective educational techniques, curriculum development, or program innovations
- strong student evaluations of the relevant course over the past two years
- sustained contribution
Nomination procedure
To be considered, the nomination package must include:
- a brief nomination letter (max 500 words) specifying the name of the person being nominated, the names of the persons providing letters to support the nomination, and a summary of the reasons for the nomination
- two letters of support that directly address the award criteria
Once a complete nomination package is received by the JCB, the nominee will be contacted to provide their CV.
→ Ross Upshur Graduate Thesis Mentorship Award (Odd Numbered Years)
This award was created to recognize Dr. Ross Upshur's many talents and accomplishments in bioethics research, education, practice, and public engagement; and to honour his exemplary work as a thesis mentor for scores of graduate students specializing in bioethics.
One award will be conferred every other year (odd numbered years) by the JCB.
Award recipients will receive a certificate and recognition in The JCB Voice. All nominees will receive a letter from the JCB Director informing them that they have been nominated. At the nominee's request, a letter will be sent to their department chair and/or direct supervisor.
Any member of the JCB community engaged as a thesis supervisor, co-supervisor, or committee member in the Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics.
Current members of the JCB Leadership Team are ineligible.
Who can nominate
Any graduate student in (or recent graduate of) the Collaborative Specialization in Bioethics may submit a nomination.
Award criteria
Key criterion:
- a thesis supervisor, co-supervisor, or committee member who provides outstanding mentoring and role modeling for graduate students
Other criteria that may be considered:
- demonstrated passion and commitment to education, teaching, mentoring or supervision
- inspirational mentorship that challenges students at the same time as it enables them to build confidence and achieve their potential
- strong student evaluations of the relevant course over the past two years
- sustained contribution
Nomination procedure
To be considered, the nomination package must include:
- A brief nomination letter (max 500 words) specifying the name of the person being nominated, the names of the persons providing letters to support the nomination, and a summary of the reasons for the nomination
- Two letters of support that directly address the award criteria
Once a complete nomination package is received by the JCB, the nominee will be contacted to provide their CV.